Normunds Čiževskis
Board Member, Financial expert
Certified Mediator
Normunds is a cost benefit analysis expert with 15 years of experience. He specializes in planning, analysis and evaluation of public and private investment projects. Since 2003, Normunds has participated in the development of several dozen business plans for companies from different sectors, has carried out more than 60 cost benefit analysis of public investment projects. Conducts training on financial management and planning.
In 2015, Normunds passed mediator’s examination and was awarded a certificate that gives the right to provide court annexed mediation services. He specializes in commercial disputes.
Linkedin: Normunds Čiževskis

Marika Meinarte, FCCA
Audit & assurance
Marika is a financial expert, accountant and auditor with 15 years of experience. In 2012, she became a member of the ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) and in 2017 she was awarded FCCA (Fellow Chartered and Certified Accountant) status.
In 2018 she was awarded the degree of Master of Science (with distinction) in Professional Accountancy by the University of London.
Marika specializes in financial planning and analysis of investment projects, audit and assurance, as well as due diligence and corporate valuation.
LinkedIn: Marika Meinarte